Wednesday 25 March 2015



                             INTERNET & JOURNALISTS
The video above shows the Internet Vs Print Journalism. As we clear about what happen currently, the existence of Internet had affect the journalism. Let's us all together talks about these matter here. You all can give your feedback as well to make things more clear. Back then, journalist is known as 'Men of Letters'. People rely on them to get news. These journalists are from intellectual person. They write to educate readers and to get reflection on rational-reflection. They write an opinion and ideology. In middle of the 19th century in Western Europe, journalism become a commercial enterprise. They become a tool for society's freedom speech. 

According to Deborah Potter, journalists write news to keep society informed in which ways the story must be told fairly and accurate. However, things had been changed recently. Journalists are no longer reliable as the new technology about to take over the role of journalists. society nowadays prefer and enjoying the news online. 

They get the news online through the connection of Internet and the statistic of society getting news from book, newspaper, magazine seems to be lesser than middle of the 19th century. In most countries, daily newspapers generally have the largest staffs and offer more depth on a wider range of topics than the broadcast media. With the addition of online sites, many newspapers have begun to overcome the limitations of their old rules once-a-day publication schedule. Journalists in modern era now is compete with the online journalism. online journalism provide a things like adding comment towards the story that they write. For instance, news in Blog. 

More generally, technology has improved the processes of identifying stories that are newsworthy. Feeds from social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter provide a picture of events happening around the world from the viewpoint of first-hand witnesses, and blogs and citizen news sources offer realistic perspectives from the ground faster than print or television can provide. Paul Mason, economics editor on BBC2's Newsnight, uses these tools to get an angle on what's happening and what's important. But for me, based on what I'm thinking, news online is not really reliable because it might be not true, not real story and the fake story might be add-on to make it more sensational. How about you people out there? Do you believe that online news and Internet harming the journalist? and which one do you favor? News online or printed news? You guys can see the picture below and evaluate by yourself either it true or not. Because different peoples have a different views too.



  1. In my opinion, I would rather believe the news that appears in newspapers. This is because the newspapers tell the story more accurate and reliable. In addition, the authors also have a work ethic and everything works properly filtered by the editor of a news report correctly.
    Compare to newspapers that are displayed online. Most journalists at an independent public report on issues that happen around them without doing research first. Sometimes the news is reported to be less accurate and less reliable.
    I do not feel this online news can bring down the reputation of a newspaper reporter for the work that distinguishes them. And i believed that many people outside there much belief the reliable news.

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  3. Pada dasarnya, karier sebagai wartawan dipandang tinggi oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan mereka merupakan sumber informasi kepada lapisan masyarakat. Namun demikian, perubahan ini berlaku disebabkan perkembangan teknologi pada hari ini. Kini, masyarakat tidak menggunakan wartawan sebagai sumber informasi, sebaliknya optimis kepada penggunaan gadget. Keadaan ini menyebabkan kejatuhan dalam bidang ini melibatakan pelbagai aspek. Misalnya, wartawan kehilangan karier, dengan kejatuhan akhbar di pasaran. Situasi ini mendatangkan implikasi yang negatif kepada pembangunan negara.

  4. In my opinion, both news which is online news and printed news can harms journalist. All this depend on how the journalist use media to write their story. As a journalist, they are responsible for delivering an fairly and accurately to the public either in printed or online news. A journalist must maintain the public's trust on news published because it shows the credibility of a journalist in performing their duties.If a reporter failed to maintain public confidence in carrying out their responsibilities and violating journalistic ethics, I'm sure it could damage the reputation of the journalist concerned mainly in online news. For example, this situation can be seen when there are journalists who produce fake news in the internet exclusively to gain popularity and trying to sensationalize an issue, people tend do not believe the news that published and it causing the reporter despised from society and even they get fired. This matter can happen in both news which is online and printed news. However, i do not believe that online news kill printed journalist because it all depends on how journalists carry out their responsibilities.A journalist will not be affected if they performs duties in accordance with the ethics of journalism

  5. Jika dahulu, masyarakat lebih merujuk kepada surat khabar untuk mendapatkan maklumat atau isu semasa dan menjadikannya sebagai sumber informasi. masyarakat dahulu lebih percaya dengan maklumat yang disampaikan. Namun, dengan kewujudan internet sumber berita telah beralih kepada berita online, blog dan sebagainya. kebiasannya, sumber berita seperti ini dapat memudahkan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat. Namun, kesahian berita yang disampaikan diragui kerana penulisan berita tersebut lebih kepada pendapat c penulis dan bukannya berdasarkan fakta dan berita yang betul disamping wujudnya 'wartawan masyarakat'. Hal ini mendatangkan persaingan kepada kerjaya wartawan sebenar. Sehubungan itu, kewujudan persaingan anatara wartawan masyarakat yang melaporkan berita menggunakan blog dan berita yang disampaikan oleh wartawan sebenar mendatangkan kekeliruan kepada masyarakat umum. Oleh itu, kemunculan internet sememangnya mampu memberi persaingan kepada dunia kewartawanan.

  6. masyaraka akan mendapatkan sebarang perkembangan isu semasa dengan adanya wartawan yang sentiasa melaporkan semua berita. Namun pada masa kini, kebanyakkan pengguna seperti kita lebih menggunakan pendekatan media sosial atau gadget uantuk mendapatkan berita semasa dengan mengakses sendiri tanoa sebarang gangguan. Dengan wujudnya berita online seperti hari ini, sememangnya dapat membantu kita mempercepatkan urusan dan pengetahuan. Namun, kita sebagai pembaca tidak perlu untuk terus percaya dengan satu berita atas talian sahaja kerana mungkin ada unsur penipuan untuk mencantikkan lagi berita mereka. Kita perlulah membaca semua berita atas talian agar tidak berlaku salah faham mahupun salah informasi. Kekeliruan boleh terjadi dengan begitu mudah jika kita sendiri mudah percaya dan dalam masa yang sama, persaingan antara wartawan juga telah wujud sejak wujudnya internet yang membolehkan adanya berita online.

    1. saya setuju dengan pendapat najib. kita perlu membaca berita-berita dari sudut pelbagai pihak. masyarakat seharusnya mengakses maklumat pada sedut yang betul. berita dalam online dapat memberi maklumat yang pantas berbanding dengan berita dalam TV atau surat khabar. namun begitu, kita boleh 100% apa yang dikeluarkan di internet. sebaliknya kita perlu mencari kebenaran berita itu dari sumber yang benar.

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  8. i agree with the statement that online news and Internet harming the journalist but, it actually depends on that journalist how to survive in the world of journalism. If the journalist can perform well in their job, then there is no need to worry about that possibility of being harm by the technology.
    for me, i prefer printed newspaper because in my opinion the printed newspaper are more reliable than the online newspaper.

  9. Bagi pendapat saya kerjaya sebagai wartawan akan menurun disebabkan kemajuan teknologi. Ini kerana pada zaman sekarang banyak sudah wujud wartawan yang tidak bertauliah. Maksud saya di sini. kebanyakan masyarakat sekarang sudah mendapat berita melalui laman sosial dan tidak khusus kepada surat khabar ataupun berita sahaja. sebagai contoh mereka kebanyakannya hanya share di wall masing-masing supa ada rakan-rakan yang membacanya. Perkara ini sudah menjadi lumrah tanpa kita tahu daripada suratkabar atau berita arus perdana lagi

  10. In my opinion the technology are effect the journalist because nowadays everyone can share whatever news that they had found before the journalist write a news about it. This technology of internet gives challenges to journalist in term of publish a news. People may separate news more fastest than the journalist through social media supporting by internet access. This will make a some confused among the reader to identify the validity of the news.Its also effect people loose trust on media. But actually internet will help to separate news very fast if they use the internet in a correct way. So in conclusion internet give two effect that is positive and negative for journalist.

  11. Thanks for above comments . Based on all of your comment, I can conclude that technology had become the great competitor to journalists. The journalist had to compete with online news on Internet in order to gain more readerand support for their news. Journalists are consider no longer reliable as the Internet overtake the role of the journalist nowadays. Its a sad thing to said but that was happened currently.
