Thursday 7 May 2015


As we all aware of current phenomenon, most people are getting addicted to one games called ‘Clash Of Clan’ or in short COC. The game's achievements are already well known. Not only the teen but 30 years old above also playing this game. Even me myself, consider as die hard fan this game. It gives me so much fun when I played COC. However, I am not sure if I am consider as addicted to this game because I can’t measure myself.

Symptoms of internet gaming addiction can be seen through the Increasing amounts of time spent on computer and internet activities. If you had spent much time on playing game online compared to previous time, then you might be consider as a game addicter. Besides, the person that addict to game online may failed to control their behavior. For example, in COC, there will be war between clan. If their clan defeat, then the person in the clan might act aggressively by scolding other members in clan because they have been defeated. Another sign is the addicted person would neglect their friends and family, they only entertain themselves by playing games.
Also they will feeling restless when not engaged with the games. Rather than that, the person will have physical changes such as weight gain or loss weight, backaches due to long period sitting in front of computer, headaches and changes in sleep pattern.

COC had made many peoples fall in love with it. With the enjoyable styles of the games, people are willing to spent their free time by playing COC. Got some peoples willing buy ‘gem’ which cost a lot of money just to get into the high level in COC. The more high your level, more strong your defense ang troops are. The main rule is to protect own village. To protect own village require good defense and strong troops. That is why many peoples try hard to protect their village by buying gem to up their defense in speedy way.

Imagine if those people willing to spent their money because of game, how it will for the next and next day in their life? Is it really worth to spent money on games? How if one day you in a critical state and you really need some money but you already spent some of your money on games? I am sure many people outside there had spent a lot of money on COC.

Picture above shows that how the boy enjoy the COC instead of talking to his girlfriend. This is how COC could affect the relationship’s environment. The player tend to not talking to other people when he enjoy playing COC. In result, the girlfriend would feel neglected and offended.
We can play games but don’t let games haunted us. Let play moderately and not too engaged with the games. Our life still have many others thing to explore. Don’t let games limit our movement. Be smart and enjoy life.


       Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi yang semakin pesat ternyata membawa kepada perubahan dalam segala lapisan masyarakat. Kreativiti manusia semakin berkembang sehingga mendorong kepada penemuan-penemuan baru dalam teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana peningkatan kesejahteraan umat manusia. Teknologi internet dewasa ini semakin berkembang pesat,salah satu daripada  teknologi ialah games  atau permainan.
          Namun, seiring dengan  perkembangan zaman yang serba digital maka permainan dalam bentuk eletronik mula  di gemari masyarakat pada hari ini. Internet merupakan saluran maklumat dan komunikasi yang digunakan secara meluas. Dulu penggunaan Internet hanya bergantung pada sebuah komputer, kini Internet juga mampu diakses dengan menggunakan telefon bimbit yang mempunyai perisian perkhidmatan Internet tanpa wayar (Wireless)
(Hassan & Raja Abdul Rashid, 2012)

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Image result for games

          Kapitalisme menurut Ruth McVey dalam buku Globalization and the Cultures of Business in Africa: From Patrimonialism to Profit karya Scott D. Taylor didefinisikan sebagai “a system in which the means of production, in private hands, are employed to create a profit, some of which is reinvested to increase profit-generating capacity” yang bila diertikan iaitu “sebuah sistem di mana alat-alat produksi, di tangan swasta, digunakan untuk menciptakan suatu keuntungan, beberapa dari hal tersebut diinvestasikan untuk meningkatkan kapas menghasilkan keuntungan”. 
       Bila definisi tersebut dikaitkan dengan game Cookie Run maka dapat difahami bahawa para pemegang modal (developer game) mencuba untuk menciptakan suatu keuntungan dengan sistem yang mereka buat di dalam game, di mana para pemain (baik yang bermodal ataupun tidak) menjadi mesin penghasil keuntungan bagi mereka. Meskipun demikian, banyak para pemain yang mengaku tetap memainkan game tersebut karena hal tersebut dianggap hiburan yang menyenangkan ataupun karena mereka memang ingin berkompetisi mengalahkan teman-temannya untuk meraih peringkat teratas.

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     Sebagai kesimpulannya, banyak hal di era modern ini yang telah dimasuki oleh para kapitalis, termasuk di dalamnya adalah game. Game tersebut menjadi suatu ladang penghasilan bagi para pemilik modal untuk meraih keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dari para pemain dengan sistem game yang mereka terapkan. Maka dari itu bila kita ingin bermain game, bermainlah dengan bijak dan manfaatkanlah waktu kita dengan sebaik-baiknya karena waktu yang telah digunakan tidak boleh diulang kembali

  •  Are games the ideal-typical commodity of infomational capitalism?


Hassan, J., & Raja Abdul Rashid, R. (2012). Ketagihan Internet Di Kalangan Remaja Sekolah Tingkatan 4 Di Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Journal Of Technical, Vocational & Engineering Education, 23-43.